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FHHS Membership List
Note that home addresses and phone numbers are not listed here, except where the member has given explicit permission to the website editor to do so. We have replaced the @ sign in all email addresses with two spaces to mitigate email spam. In order to use the email addresses below, you will need to make appropriate changes.
Alborn, Timothy
talborn yahoo.com
Department of History
Lehman College, CUNY
History of economics
Allentuck, Marcia
Department of English-Emerita
History of ideas and relations between science and the arts
Anderson, Warwick
wanderson usyd.edu.au
Department of History, SOPHI
University of Sydney
Medicine and colonialism, history of anthropology, cross-cultural psychology and psychiatry
Arbel, Tal
talarbel fas.harvard.edu
Department of History of Science
Harvard University
Global history of attitude and opinion research, military personnel selection & trauma expertise
Ash, Mitchell G.
mitchell.ash univie.ac.at
Institute of History
University of Vienna
History of German psychology; Gestalt psychology
Axtell, Guy S.
axtell unr.nevada.edu
Department of Philosophy
University of Nevada-Reno
Epistemology and metaphysics; philosophy of science; philosophy of religion
Barberis, Daniela S.
d.barberis shimer.edu
Shimer College
History of psychology and sociology in late 19th-early 20th century France
Benjafield, John
john.benjafield brocku.ca
Department of Psychology-Emeritus
Brock University
History of psychology and aesthetics
Bhattacharya, Soumya
Department of Anatomy
B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Science
History of the humanistic disciplines
Bod, Rens
rens.bod gmail.com
Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam ILLC
University of Amsterdam
Bolt, Marvin
astrohistory adlerplanetarium.org
Adler Planetarium
Bordogna, Francesca
Francesca.M.Bordogna.4 nd.edu
Program of Liberal Studies
University of Notre Dame
Bortolini, Matteo
matteo.bortolini unipd.it
Dipartimento di Sociologia
Universita degli Studi di Padova
History of sociology; Robert Bellah; postwar Italian sociology
Bouk, Dan
dbouk colgate.edu
Department of History
Colgate University
Classification and standardization in the development of scientific cyber-infrastructure
Bowker, Geoffrey
gbowker pitt.edu
University of Pittsburgh
Cyberscholarship; values embedded in sociotechnical infrastructures
Braman, O. Randall
obraman uguam.uog.edu
University of Guam
History of psychology (emphasis on personality theory): current research on the Rorschach and other projective techniques
Brickman, Celia
cbrickman sbcglobal.net
Center for Religion and Psychotherapy of Chicago
History of psychology; religion and psychotherapy
Brock, Adrian
adrian.c.brock ucd.ie
Department of Psychology
University College Dublin
History and theory of psychology
Brooks, John I.
jibrooks uncfsu.edu
Department of Government and History
Fayetteville State University
Psychology and sociology in France; history of religious studies
Browning, Margot
mb31 uchicago.edu
Humanities College Div.
University of Chicago
History of archaeology and history, gender issues in history of human sciences, history of education
Bryson, Dennis
dennis bilkent.edu.tr
Department American Culture & Literature
Bilkent University
Personality and culture, the foundations of US social science
Buickerood, James G.
jgbuickerood eighteenthcenturythought.org
John Locke’s concept of human agency
Bunn, Geoff
g.bunn mmu.ac.uk
Division of Psychology and Social Change
Manchester Metropolitan University
Burba, Juliet
burba thebakken.org
The Bakken Museum
Burgin, Angus
burgin jhu.edu
Department of History
Johns Hopkins University
History of economics; free market ideas in post-Depression US and Europe
Burman, Jeremy
jtburman yorku.ca
Department of Psychology
York University
Burnham, John C.
burnham.2 osu.edu
Department of History
Ohio State University
Burston, Daniel
burston duq.edu
Department of Psychology
Duquesne University
Cahan, Emily
ecahan wheelock.edu
Department of Psychology
Wheelock College
Child psychology, developmental, from mental philosophy to psychology
Callebaut, Werner
werner.callebaut kli.ac.at
Konrad Lorenz Institut
Capshew, James H.
jcapshew gmail.com
Department of History & Philosophy of Science
Indiana University
History of American science and technology; history of psychology; scientific dimensions of society
Carhart, Michael
mcarhart odu.edu
Department of History
Old Dominion University
Carson, John
jscarson umich.edu
Department of History
University of Michigan
History of psychology, history of American science, American cultural-intellectual history
Chernoff, Nathalie
n.chernoff lancaster.ac.uk
Department of Psychology
Lancaster University
Cherry, Fran
fcherry sympatico.ca
Department of Psychology
Carleton University
History of social psychology
Chiang, Howard
hhc2106 columbia.edu
Transgenderism and homosexuality in China
Cohen-Cole, Jamie
jcohencole gmail.com
Department of American Studies
George Washington University
Cold-war America, cognitive psychology and cybernetics
Collopy, Peter Sachs
collopy sas.upenn.edu
Dept History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
History of technology and the human sciences; experimental video in psychiatry and cybernetics; race concepts in anthropology; theistic evolutionism
Coon, Deborah
dcoon post.harvard.edu
American intellectual history, William James, history of behaviorism, utopias, radical movements
Crabtree, Adam
psychotherapyarts rogers.com
Center, Training in Psychotherapy
History of mesmerism, hypnosis, psychotherapy
Cravens, Hamilton
hcravens iastate.edu
History Department
Iowa State University
North American social science
Crawford, Matthew J.
mcrawf11 kent.edu
Department of History
Kent State University
Cultural and economic history of the Spanish Atlantic World, and the history of the interactions between colonialism and the sciences, especially pharmacy, botany and natural history
Croce, Paul J.
pcroce stetson.edu
Department of American Studies
Stetson University
William James, history of science and religion, American intellectual and cultural history
Curry, Michael L.
mcurry uwa.edu
Department of Physical Sciences
University of West Alabama
Danziger, Kurt
kdanzig yorku.ca
Department of Pyschology
York University
History of psychological research practice; history of basic psychological categories; sociology of psychological knowledge
Davie, Grace
grace.davie qc.cuny.edu
Department of History
Queens College-CUNY
Daye, Christian
ch.daye uni-graz.at
Department of Sociology
University of Graz, Austria
History of social sciences, esp. in the Cold War period
De Marchi, Neil
demarchi econ.duke.edu
Department of Economics
Duke University
De Mey, Marc
marc.demey ugent.be
University of Ghent
DeCarvalho, Roy J.
roy unt.edu
School of Arts & Sciences
SUNY-Institute of Technology
History of science, social sciences, psychology; history of humanistic psychology
Decker, Hannah S.
hsdecker uh.edu
Department of History
University of Houston
History of psychiatry and psychoanalysis with particular interest in the interaction of psychoanalysis and culture
Dennis, Paul M.
dennispm etown.edu
Department of Psychology
Elizabethtown College
Dewsbury, Donald A.
dewsbury ufl.edu
Department of Psychology-Emeritus
University of Florida
History of comparative psychology and animal behavior
Di Cicco, Camillo
camillodicicco mac.com
Department of Dermatology
University of Rome
Diamond, Jr., Arthur M.
adiamond unomaha.edu
Department of Economics
University of Nebraska
History of economic thought; economics of science
Dias Cirino, Sergio
sergiocirino99 yahoo.com
Faculdade de Educacao
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Donnelly, Michael
donnelly bard.edu
Bard College
History of sociology and empirical social investigation
Dorn, Mike
mdorn temple.edu
Institute on Disabilities
Temple University
Historical geographies of human science
Dror, Otniel E.
otnield ekmd.huji.ac.il
Faculty of Medicine
Hebrew University
History of life sciences, emotions, psychosomatic medicine
Dufour, Monique
msdufour vt.edu
Dept of Science and Technology Studies
Virginia Tech
Cultural history of bibliotherapy; intersections of the history of the book, medicine, and the human sciences
Dupouy, Stephanie
Stephanie.Dupouy ens.fr
Department of Philosophy
Ecole Normale Superieure
History of psychology; observation and experiment in human sciences
Edwards, David C.
Department of Psychology-Emeritus
Iowa State University
Eghigian, Greg
gae2 psu.edu
Department of History
Pennsylvania State University
Modern Germany, 20th century Europe, science, medicine, crime
Eidlin, Fred
feidlin uoguelph.ca
Department of Political Science
University of Guelph
Unrecognized philosophical problems in the classics of social science; reception of Popper’s philosophy of social science; history of political science
Eskildsen, Kasper
eskild ruc.dk
Department Philosophy and Sci Studies
Roskilde University
Eyer, Diane E.
byereyer voicenet.com
History of parenting advice in America
Fancher, Raymond E.
fancher yorku.ca
Department of Psychology
York University
Psychology; biography; Francis Galton
Farreras, Ingrid
farreras hood.edu
Department Psychology
Hood College
History of clinical psychology, history of US higher education, history of statistics and research methodology, and 1950’s mind control research
Fearnley, Andrew M.
andrew.fearnley-2 manchester.ac.uk
Department of American Studies
University of Manchester
American psychiatry; racial science since 1800; scientific methods
Fine, William F.
bfine pitt.edu
Department of Sociology-Emeritus
University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown
Social movements, sociology of religion, identity and culture
Fink, Karl J.
kjfink stolaf.edu
Department of German
St. Olaf College
Goethe’s history of science
Flesher, Mary Mosher
mflesher smith.edu
Human locomotion in its broadest sense
Fontaine, Philippe
philippe.fontaine ens-cachan.fr
Department of Economics
Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan
History of recent economics and social sciences since 1945
Furumoto, Laurel
lfurumoto wellesley.edu
Department of Psychology
Wellesley College
History of psychology in America, history of the syndrome anorexia nervosa, transmission of psychological knowledge from the United States to Japan during the Meiji era
Gao, Zhipeng
gzhipeng yorku.ca
Program in History and Theory of Psychology
York University
Gil-Riano, Sebastian
sebastian.gil.riano utoronto.ca
Institute for Hist and Phil of Sci and Tech
Room 316 Victoria College
History of race science; transnational history; history of anthropology and sociology; history of modernization
Gilgen, Albert R.
albert.gilgen uni.edu
Department of Psychology
University of Northern Iowa
History of American and Russian Psychology
Gilkeson, Jr., John S.
john.gilkeson asu.edu
American Studies Department
Arizona State University West
American Studies; 19th and 20th c. American intellectual, cultural, and social history
Goodwin, C. James
jgoodwin wcu.edu
Department of Psychology
Western Carolina University
Goodwin, John
jdg3 le.ac.uk
Center for Labour Market Studies
University of Leicester
History of sociology; Norbert Elias; C Wright Mills; Sociological restudies; social psychology, esp Milgram
Gormley, Melinda
mgormley pugetsound.edu
Science, Technology, and Society Program
University of Puget Sound
Green, Christopher
christo yorku.ca
Department of Psychology
York University
Hall, John P.
Department of Psychology
Texas Wesleyan University
Hamilton, Kelly
hamilton saintmarys.edu
Saint Mary’s College
Fin-de-siecle Vienna, Wittgenstein
Haraway, Donna J.
haraway ucsc.edu
Department of History of Consciousness
University of California-Santa Cruz
History of psychology
Harrington, Anne
aharring fas.harvard.edu
Department of History of Science
Harvard University
Psychology and psychiatry; mind-body interactions; placebo effect
Harris, Benjamin
bh5 unh.edu
Psychology Department
University of New Hampshire
History and theories of psychology; popularization
Harvey, Joy
jharvey368 aol.com
History of biology and medicine; women in science; Mary Putnam Jacobi
Hatfield, Gary
hatfield phil.upenn.edu
Department of Philosophy
University of Pennsylvania
History of modern philosophy, philosophy of science
Herman, Ellen
eherman uoregon.edu
Department of History
Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics
University of Oregon
Autism; psychology, law, and public policy; 20th century U.S.
Hevern, Vincent
hevern lemoyne.edu
LeMoyne College
Physiogonomy, phrenology, concepts of sympathy, temperament, attitude, and mind/body
Heyck, Hunter
hheyck ou.edu
Department of History of Science
University of Oklahoma
Institutions in postwar behavioral science
Hoff, Tory
drhoff drhoff.com
Physiogonomy, phrenology, concepts of sympathy, temperament, attitude, and mind/body
Hollinger, David A.
davidhol berkeley.edu
Department of History
University of California-Berkeley
20th c. US social sciences, philosophy of science
Hornstein, Gail
ghornste mtholyoke.edu
Department of Psychology
Mount Holyoke College
History of 20th c. psychoanalysis, psychiatry, and psychology; psychotherapy of psychosis; first-person narratives of madness; psychiatric survivor movement
Hoyrup, Jens
jensh ruc.dk
Institute of Education Research
Roskilde University
Social/cultural history of human nature; race, sexuality, gender
Hume, Brad D.
humebrad gmail.com
Department of History
University of Dayton
Social/cultural history of human nature; race, sexuality, and gender
Igo, Sarah E.
sarah.igo vanderbilt.edu
Department of History
Vanderbilt University
U.S. cultural and intellectual history; polls, surveys, statistics
Isaac, Joel T.
jti20 cam.ac.uk
Department of History
Cambridge University
Iverson, Margot
miverson nas.edu
Program Officer
Institute of Medicine
20th c. American science, heredity and evolution, cultural anthropology, history of psychology
Jackson, John P.
john.p.jackson colorado.edu
Department of Ethnic Studies
University of Colorado- Boulder
Race and science
Jewett, Andrew
ajewett fas.harvard.edu
Department of History
Harvard University
Jones, Kathleen
kjwj vt.edu
Department of History
Virginia Tech
20th c. US history of psychiatry and psychology, gender, and childhood
Kaplan, Judy
jrkaplan2 wisc.edu
Killen, Andreas
akillen ccny.cuny.edu
Department of History
City College-CUNY
German psychiatry, film
Kistner, Kelly
kistner u.washington.edu
Klappenbach, Hugo Alberto
hklappen unsl.edu.ar
Ministerio de Educacion y Justicia
Universidad Nacional de San Luis
Applied psychology in Latin America
Knapp, Terry
terryk unlv.nevada.edu
Department of Psychology
University of Nevada
History of behaviorism and BF Skinner
Koelsch, William A.
wkoelsch cox.net
Department of History and Geography-Emeritus
Clark University
History of geography
Korn, James H.
kornjh slu.edu
Department of Psychology
Saint Louis University
History of social psychology, research ethics
Lanzoni, Susan
slanzoni gmail.com
Leary, David E.
dleary richmond.edu
University Professor
University of Richmond
Cultural history of modern psychology
Lee, David
davidleeinamsterdam gmail.com
The Wordsmithery
History of psychoanalysis, psychology, and psychiatry; modern central European cultural, intellectual, and political history
Lieberman, David
dlieberman law.berkeley.edu
School of Law
University of California-Berkeley
Jurisprudence and social policy
Light, Jennifer
light northwestern.edu
Department of Communication Studies
Northwestern University
Lilleleht, Erica
elillele seattleu.edu
Department of Psychology
Seattle Universtiy
History of the asylum; images of madness
Link, Adrianna
alink3 jhu.edu
History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
Johns Hopkins University
20th century U.S. anthropology, urgent anthropology, museums, film
Linstrum, Erik
linstrum umich.edu
Department of History and Society of Fellows
University of Michigan
Psychology and psychoanalysis; imperialism and decolonization
Loader, Colin
loaderc unlv.nevada.edu
Department of History
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
History of German sociology
Loring, Philip Davis
philip.loring sciencemuseum.org.uk
BPS Curator of Psychology
Science Museum
History and anthropology of mind sciences; psychology and linguistics
Lubek, Ian
ilubek uoguelph.ca
Department of Psychology
University of Guelph
History of social psychology; social sciences in France
Lunbeck, Elizabeth
elizabeth.lunbeck vanderbilt.edu
Department of History
Vanderbilt University
Psychiatry, 20th century
Manganaro, Christine
mang0084 umn.edu
Race, scientific expertise, US imperialism
Mayhew, Anne
amayhew utk.edu
Department of Economics-Emerita
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
History of economics
Mazlish, Bruce
bmazlish mit.edu
History Faculty
McKim, Vaughn
mckim.1 nd.edu
Department of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Philosophy of social/human sciences, metaphysics of science
Mehos, Donna C.
donna.mehos nextgenerationinfrastructures.eu
Eindhoven University of Technology
19th c. medicine & biology, psychology and animal behavior
Milburn, Colin
cnmilburn ucdavis.edu
Department of English
University of California-Davis
Relations of literature and science; science fiction
Miller, Cecilia
cmiller wesleyan.edu,
Department of History
Wesleyan University
European political and social theory, Enlightenment, philosophy of science, philosophy of law, aesthetics
Mills, John A.
millsj telus.net
History of behaviorism, history of comparative psychology, critical theory
Mills, Mara
mmills nyu.edu
Department of Media, Culture, and Communications
New York University
Communication history, disability theory, science and tech studies
Minton, Henry
minton aol.com
History of social psychology, history of mental testing, history of sexuality
Morawski, Jill
jmorawski wesleyan.edu
Department of Psychology
Wesleyan University
History of psychology
Morris, Edward K.
ekm ku.edu
Department of Applied Behavioral Science
University of Kansas
Behaviorism, history and systems of psychology
Murray, Tim
t.murray latrobe.edu.au
School of Historical Studies
Latrobe University
History of archaeology
Neswald, Elizabeth
eneswald brocku.ca
Department of History
Brock University
History of nutrition physiology and dietary standards; thermodynamics; 19th-century German and Irish science
Nikityn, Mary
nikityn gwmail.gwu.edu
Department of Psychology
George Washington University
Oakes, Jason
sieve.fisted gmail.com
History of biology and the human sciences; gender and biology; environmental sciences; history of human biology, 1920-1945; science fiction
Olson, Richard
olson hmc.edu
Department of Humanities and Social Scis.
Harvey Mudd College
Early history of human sciences (pre-1820); relation between physical sciences and human sciences
Parlee, Mary Brown
mparlee mit.edu
History of neuropsychology; feminism and gender
Patnode, Stephen
patnods farmingdale.edu
Department of History, Economics, Politics
SUNY Farmingdale
Pedersen, Jean
jpedersen esm.rochester.edu
Humanities Department
Eastman School of Music
Gender in the human sciences, feminist philosophy of science
Pettit, Michael
mpettit yorku.ca
Department of Psychology
York University
History and theory of psychology
Pfeifer, Katrin
history.pfeifer gmail.com
Environmental history, cultural history, history of meteorology, history of pedagogics, history of philosophy, history of psychology, history of statistics
Pickersgill, Martyn
martyn.pickersgill ed.ac.uk
Centre for Population Health Sciences
University of Edinburgh
Social, historical and legal dimensions of biomedicine and the mental health professions
Pickren, Wade E.
wpickren ithaca.edu
Center for Faculty Excellence
Ithaca College
History of psychology; indigenous psychology
Pols, Hans
hpols science.usyd.edu.au
Unit for History & Philosophy of Science
University of Sydney
Psychology and the mental hygiene movement, alternatives; public images of psychology; psychologists on the child study movement; psychology and film/radio
Pooley, Jefferson D.
pooley muhlenberg.edu
Department of Media and Communication
Muhlenberg College
History of media and communication research
Porter, Theodore
tporter history.ucla.edu
Department of History
University of California-Los Angeles
History of statistics and quantitative methods
Quinlan, Sean
quinlan uidaho.edu
Department of History
University of Idaho
Raz, Mical
mical.raz yale.edu
Department of the History of Medicine
Yale University
Reiterer, Barbara
reite053 umn.edu
Program in History of Science and Technology
University of Minnesota
Rensing, Susan
rensings uwosh.edu
Department of History
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Women’s history, eugenics, progressive Era reform
Roberts, Jon H.
roberts1 bu.edu
Department of History
Boston University
Relationship between psychology and American Protestant theology, 1890-1940; relationship between science, social science, and religion, 1850-present
Robinson, David K.
drobinso truman.edu
Division of Social Sciences
Truman State University
History of European psychology and psychiatry
Rohde, Joy
joyrohde gmail.com
Ford School of Public Policy
University of Michigan
20th-Century American Social Science, American intellectual and political history, science policy
Rose, Anne C
acr5 psu.edu
Department of History
Penn State University
American psychology and psychiatry, with an emphasis on regionalism and especially the South; science and religion
Rosner, Rachael
rachael denenberg.com
Aaron Beck and cognitive behavior therapy
Runyan, William McKinley
runyan berkeley.edu
School of Social Welfare
University of California-Berkeley
Psychobiography and psychohistory, history of personality psychology
Ruswick, Brent
bjruswick gmail.com
Department of History
University of Central Arkansas
Scientific theories and social reform movements; theories of human nature; Gilded Age and Progressive Era America
Rutherford, Alexandra
alexr yorku.ca
Department of Psychology
York University
Psychology and society in 20th c America; feminism and psychology; activist science
Scarborough, Elizabeth
escarbor indiana.edu
History of women in psychology and feminist psychology; history of psychological practices; science popularization
Schabas, Margaret
mschabas interchange.ubc.ca
Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
History and philosophy of economics, science studies
Schmaus, Warren
schmaus iit.edu
Department of Humanities
Illinois Institute of Technology
Durkheim, history of sociology
Schmit, David
dtschmit stkate.edu
College of St. Catherine
Mesmerism, hypnosis, phrenology, William James, Asian Psychology, consciousness
Selcer, Perrin
pselcer umich.edu
Department of History
University of Michigan
Shapira, Michal
mshapira barnard.edu
Department of History
Barnard College, Columbia University
Impact of total war and development of expert culture; history of childhood
Shearmur, Jeremy
jeremy.shearmur anu.edu.au
Department of Psychology
Australian National University
Shore, Marlene
mshore yorku.ca
Department of History
York University
Social sciences, modernism
Simmons, Dana
dana.simmons ucr.edu
Department of History
University of California-Riverside
Modern France; modern Europe; science and technology
Smith, Laurence D.
larry.smith umit.maine.edu
Department of Psychology
University of Maine
History of psychology, behaviorism, scientific rhetoric
Smith, Roger
rsmith mail.ru
Institute for the History of Science
Russian Academy of Sciences
History and historiography of the human sciences, European intellectual history
Sokal, Michael M.
msokal wpi.edu
Department of Humanities
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
History of psychological testing, psychological institutions, patronage of human sciences
Solovey, Mark
mark.solovey utoronto.ca
Institute for Hist and Phil of Sci and Tech
University of Toronto
American social science, patronage of science, science policy
Stapleford, Thomas
tstaplef nd.edu
Program of Liberal Studies
University of Notre Dame
Stark, Laura J.
laura.stark Vanderbilt.Edu
Center for Medicine, Health, Society
Vanderbilt University
Steen, Tomoko
tste loc.gov
Strikwerda, Robert A.
rstrikwe slu.edu
Departments of Political Science and Women’s Studies
St. Louis University
Durkheim, men and feminism, feminist political theory
Sturm, Avn
avnsturm 3rdi.com
Sullivan, Gerald W.
gsullivan collin.edu
Department of Anthropology
Collin College
History of Anthropology, Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, theories of primitive mentality, culture personality, dementia praecox
Turner, Adam
act uoregon.edu
Dept of History
University of Oregon 1288
Eugenics; genetic counseling; family, reproduction, parenthood, and gender, in late 19th and early 20th c U.S.
Turner, Stephen P.
turner usf.edu
Department of Philosophy
University of South Florida
History and philosophy of statistics, sociology, Weber
Tweney, Ryan
tweney bgsu.edu
Department Psychology
Bowling Green State University
History of psychology and physics, use of math in science, Wundt, Titchener, Faraday, Maxwell, Brunswik
Underwood, Steve
smr5 cisunix.unh.edu
Department of Psychology
University of New Hampshire
Valone, David A.
david.valone quinnipiac.edu
Department of History
Quinnipiac University
19th century Britain, the rise of academic disciplines in the human sciences
Vicedo, Marga
marga.vicedo utoronto.ca
Institute for History and Philosophy of Science
University of Toronto
Von Mayrhauser, Richard T.
mmtr yahoo.com
History of mental testing; American social and intellectual history
Wald, Stephen
walds tds.net
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Watson, Cecelia
cecelia.watson yale.edu
Department of Philosophy
Yale University
History of pragmatism; scientific rhetoric and style; connections between sciences and other disciplines
Weidman, Nadine
weidman fas.harvard.edu
Harvard University
History of sciences of human nature and human instinct/ emotions; race, gender and science; science popularization
Weinstein, Deborah F.
debbie_weinstein brown.edu
Pembroke Center
Brown University
History of US psychology and biology; social sciences; cognitive sciences
Weizmann, Frederic
weizmann yorku.ca
Department of Psychology-Emeritus
York University
Westmore, Ann
afwest unimelb.edu.au
University of Melbourne
Wetmore, Karin E.
kwetmore post.harvard.edu
Whalen, Philip
philip_whalen yahoo.com
College of Charleston
White, Michael
mike.white buseco.monash.edu.au
Department of Economics
Monash University
Winston, Andrew
awinston uoguelph.ca
Department of Psychology
University of Guelph
Wisselgren, Per
per.wisselgren soc.umu.se
Department of Sociology
Umea University
History and sociology of the social sciences, science and technology studies, sociology of knowledge
Woodward, William R.
woodward cisunix.unh.edu
Department of Psychology
University of New Hampshire
20th c. N. American psychology, 19th c. German thought, social science interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa, biography, women in psychology, minority psychologists, environmental psychology, psychology and race
Wozniak, Robert H.
rhwozniak yahoo.com
Department of Psychology
Bryn Mawr College
James Mark Baldwin and the biosocial theory of mind; the rise of American clinical psychology; origins of behaviorism; American psychology before William James
Wylie, Alison
aw26 u.washington.edu
Department of Philosophy
University of Washington
Philosophy of social and historical sciences (archaeology), feminist philosophy of history; research ethics
Yang, Elisabeth
elisabethy gmail.com
Department of Philosophy
Durham University
Science and religion; bioethics; personhood; Pascal; Polanyi
Young, Jacy
jlyoung yorku.ca
Department of Psychology
York University
History of 19th and 20th century psychology
Zenderland, Leila
lzenderland fullerton.edu
Department of American Studies
California State University-Fullerton
History of psychology and psychiatry, history of intelligence testing, history of mental retardation