Call for nominations (and self-nominations) for graduate student representative on FHHS Steering Committee

The History of Science Society’s Forum for the History of Human Science (FHHS) invites nominations for the position of Graduate Student Representative on the Forum’s Steering Committee. Nominations should include a brief 3-4 sentence statement introducing the nominee/applicant and describing why they would like to be involved in, and contribute to, the activities of the Forum. Self-nominations are welcome.

Please submit nominations by 15 May 2019 to Nominations Committee Chair, Jeremy Blatter:

The Forum for the History of the Human Sciences is an interest group of the History of Science Society and brings together scholars working on the history of the mind, body, and social sciences, broadly construed, across geographies, time periods and theoretical approaches. The Forum shares information about the field and supports activities including an annual distinguished lecture, HSS session sponsorship, and prize competitions for articles and dissertations.